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How does tension adjustment benefit 100-polyester-printed-fabric?

Aug 28,2023

Tension adjustment in a sewing machine plays a crucial role in achieving balanced and even stitches when working with different fabrics, including 100% polyester printed fabric. Proper tension ensures that the upper thread and the bobbin thread interact correctly, resulting in smooth, well-formed stitches. Here's how tension adjustment benefits polyester printed fabric sewing:
Prevents Thread Puckering: Polyester fabric, like many synthetic fabrics, can be prone to puckering (fabric wrinkling or gathering) if the tension is too tight. By adjusting the tension appropriately, you can reduce the risk of puckering and create a more even and professional-looking stitch.
Prevents Thread Breakage: Tension that is too tight can cause excessive strain on the thread, leading to thread breakage during sewing. Correct tension helps maintain a balance between the upper thread and the bobbin thread, reducing the likelihood of thread snapping.
Avoids Loops and Snags: Incorrect tension can lead to loops or snags on the fabric surface, particularly with delicate polyester prints. Adjusting the tension ensures that the stitches interlock properly and lie flat on the fabric.
Maintains Stitch Quality: Proper tension adjustment helps maintain consistent stitch quality across different parts of your sewing project. This is especially important when working with polyester printed fabric, where stitch visibility can affect the overall appearance of the print.
Prevents Uneven Stitches: Improper tension can cause stitches to appear uneven, with loose or tight sections. Adjusting the tension helps create uniform stitches that enhance the overall aesthetic of your sewing work.
Maintains Fabric Integrity: Correct tension prevents the fabric from being pulled or stretched excessively, which is important for maintaining the shape and integrity of the polyester fabric, including the printed design.
Enhances Seam Strength: Balanced tension ensures that the stitches are secure and have proper strength. This is vital for maintaining the durability and longevity of your sewing projects.
Avoids Thread Showing on Surface: With polyester printed fabric, uneven tension can lead to the bobbin thread showing through to the fabric's surface. Proper tension adjustment minimizes this issue and keeps the stitching discreet.
Facilitates Smooth Sewing: Correct tension contributes to smoother sewing overall, reducing the need to backtrack or fix mistakes caused by tension-related issues.
Professional Appearance: Polyester printed fabrics are often used for garments and home textiles, where a professional appearance is desired. Proper tension adjustment helps achieve clean, even stitches that enhance the overall look of your sewing project.